Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy

Promote healing for scars & hair loss

Acne scars, stretch marks, hair loss—our bodies grow and change over the years for various reasons. But with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, you can renew your body by harnessing its natural processes.


PRP therapy

PRP injections are designed to promote healing in your body. Whether you want to heal scars from acne or injuries, smooth out stretch marks, or stimulate hair growth, PRP therapy combines your own plasma and platelets and injects this healing combo into your affected area(s).

Plasma contains proteins and other nutrients that promote healing at the cellular level. With both healing and anti-aging properties, your own plasma has the power to renew and rejuvenate your body.


What to Expect

  1. Blood draw: When you schedule your PRP therapy at PureGlo Skincare Studio, we’ll start by drawing a vial of your blood and extracting the plasma and platelets. By drawing your own blood, we ensure compatibility with your body.

  2. Injection: Then we’ll inject the platelet-rich plasma into the affected areas to promote healing of scars or to promote hair growth as needed.

  3. Healing: You may feel some discomfort or experience bruising for a few days. Our clinicians will give you specific information about how to care for your injection areas.

PRP injections deliver results gradually as your body does the work to heal your skin or hair growth. You can, however, expect long-term results.

Not sure if PRP injections are right for you? Have more questions? Schedule your consultation to get started.


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