Hyperhidrosis treatments

Sweating is normal—but it shouldn’t take over your life.
Stop excessive sweating and take back your life.


Botox for hyperhidrosis

Although sweating is normal and healthy, excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) can take over your time and attention each day. Excessive sweating that is not caused by an underlying health condition (primary hydrosis) is often hereditary, and even the strongest antiperspirants can’t tackle the issue.

With Botox, you can reduce your underarm sweating to a more manageable level so that you don’t have to constantly apply more deodorant, change clothes, or feel self-conscious about the materials and styles you wear.


What to Expect

If you and your doctor have ruled out underlying health conditions that might cause excessive sweating (secondary hyperhydrosis), you may want to consider Botox to treat excessive sweating.

For most patients, one treatment of Botox for underarm sweating can last up to 201 days (about 6 months), giving long-lasting relief from the discomfort of primary hyperhidrosis.

A typical treatment session involves 10-15 small injections to the underarms, and you can expect reduced sweating in just a few weeks as the treatment takes hold. Although this is not a permanent fix, most people will need treatments only twice a year.

young woman in a vineyard reaching up toward a leaf

Take back your life

from embarrassing excessive sweating